
Robotic surgery is redefining the Indian healthcare sector.


From a few years ago to now, there has been a significant shift in public perception. Previously, people believed that robotic surgery was too expensive and out of reach for them. Because of technological advancements and growing public awareness of Robotic Surgery, this technology will soon be affordable to the general public.  Only by incorporating such innovative robots into our medical centres will they become more affordable to the general public. Versius is a surgical robot of the future. It was created specifically to meet the needs of patients, surgeons, and surgical teams.

Versius’ adaptability and dexterity mean that it can be adopted by hospitals all over the world, ultimately benefiting many patients. Although laparoscopic surgery reduces the size of the incision required for surgery, it has proven difficult for some surgeons to learn. Versius, on the other hand, was created to bio-imitate the movement of the human arm and is controlled by surgeons via a console and screen. In terms of the patient, there is less pain, less bleeding, and less risk of infection.

Dr. Raj Nagakar, who has performed hundreds of surgeries on these lines with The Versius Surgical Robot during the Covid 19 Era, says, “We were excited to learn more about the Versius system because it was an innovative and cost-effective system that would allow us to continue our commitment to providing quality cancer care to people in the Maharashtra region who had not previously had access to the benefits of robotic surgery. We wanted to make this more accessible to them, and Versius seemed to be the best way to do so.”

This will be a huge advantage and benefit to humanity in the coming years. Versius is far superior in its outcomes when compared to other conventional ones because it makes the surgery safer and more acceptable to the patient, with a lower risk of infection and complications. Experts such as Dr. Raj Nagakar wanted the Robotic Program to be a success, but the results were far better than expected.