You can explore multiple opportunities to partner with Abira Automation.
Associate Partner
The most lucrative business opportunity for young entrepreneurs who are interested in EduTech domain. The services include appointment of RoboClubs for TechnoXian championship, Membership Programs for tech-enthusiasts, Organizing District Level of Robotics competitions, setting up robotics and artificial intelligence lab in education institutions and selling DIY kits.
The investment is in the range of USD 5000 to USD 10,000 and OPEX is minimal as most of the services are to be executed by HO.
It’s a flagship retail outlet to demonstrate variety of DIY Kits, Robots, Equipment, Advance Technology Projects. The sales and service of Abira brand products to be catered by RoboShopee.
It’s an open opportunity to for dealers to sell range of Abira Development Boards, Micro-controllers, DIY Kits etc. Great opportunity
- If ABIRA SV 1.0 is not recognized by the computer
- Set a board to DFU mode
- Flash USB-to-serial firmware in DFU mode
- Can I use a 3.3V rated sensor with a 5V operating board?
- Can I use BLE and Wi-Fi at the same time?
- How to burn the bootloader to Abira SV 1.0 using K1 Shield
- I can't upload sketches to my Abira SV 1.0