

Bots Builder Racing Bot DIY


SKU: S 2.1 Rb Category:

Inside the Box

Item Quantity
Chassis (Acrylic Material 5mm) 1
Wheels (Plastic wheels with rubber threads) 4
Johnson Motors 500 RPM 4
L298N Motor Driver 2
Arduino 1
HC-05 Bluetooth module 1
Metal Pillars 4
Fasteners/Nut bolt Packet 1
Bread-Board mini 1
Connecting wires 60
Screw Driver 1
USB Cable 1


Make your own robot either wired or wireless within the specified dimensions in order to achieve the maximum speed to beat other robots on the given track and reach the finishing line in minimum time. This robot design from Arduino and Bluetooth control which is a straightforward robot vehicle that can be constrained by your cell phone. It has high power Johnson motors and thick chassis which gives good momentum on the track and provides good grip.

Tech Specification

Make your own robot either wired or wireless within the specified dimensions in order to achieve the maximum speed to beat other robots on the given track and reach the finishing line in minimum time. This robot design from Arduino and Bluetooth control which is a straightforward robot vehicle that can be constrained by your cell phone. It has high power Johnson motors and thick chassis which gives good momentum on the track and provides good grip.


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