

Bots Builder Maze Solver DIY


The use of sensors and motors will provide a fantastic learning experience for enthusiastic learners. it’s an interactive way to learn basic concepts of robotics and encourage young learners more towards robotics.

SKU: S 2.1 MS Category:

Inside the Box

Item Quantity
Chassis (MDF Material 5mm) 1
Wheels (Plastic wheels with rubber threads) 2
N20 Motor 100 RPM 2
L293d Motor Driver Shield 1
Arduino Uno 1
Ultrasonic sensor 3
Pillars 4
Fasteners/Nut bolt Packet 1
Bread-Board mini 1
Connecting wires 60
Metal caster wheel (omni-directional) 1
Screw Driver/Allen key 1
USB Cable 1

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The maze solving robot – also known as a micro mouse – is designed to find a path without any assistance or help. As a type of autonomous robot, it has to decode the path on its own to solve the maze successfully. So its logic is quite different from the line following robot which follows a predetermined route.

The maze solving robot detects the walls by using the IR sensor/ Ultrasonic HC-SR05 module and moves the robot close to the wall, until it finds a no wall region. The array of IR sensors has 2 IR sensors on the left side of the robot, two IR sensors on the right side of the robot and one IR sensor in the front of the robot.

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