

Bots Builder Line Follower DIY


SKU: S 1.1 LF Category:

Inside the Box

Item Quantity
Chassis (Acrylic Material 3mm) 2
Wheels (basic plastic wheels) 2
I-Side Motor 150 RPM 2
L298N Motor Driver 1
Arduino 1
IR Sensor 2
Fasteners/Nut bolt Packet 1
Bread-Board mini 1
Connecting wires 60
Screw Driver 1
USB Cable 1

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Automated guided vehicle, which follow a visual line embedded on the floor or ceiling. Usually, the visual line is the path in which the line follower robot goes and it will be a black line on a white surface but the other way (white line on a black surface) is also possible.Robot movement is automatic and detection line which gives benefits to join robotic competition.

line follower robot : Build your own autonomous robot within the specified dimensions to achieve the maximum speed to beat other robots on the given track and reach the destination in minimum time . Fastest line-following robot design with F1 (Formula 1) shape chassis and 5 array of IR sensors . It has high accuracy on the track gives you the best stable model in competition.

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