

Arduino Advanced Kit


Microcontroller Board – The heart of the kit, usually an Arduino Mega or Uno, provides ample processing power, multiple I/O pins, and compatibility with various sensors and shields.
Motors and Motor Drivers – Includes DC motors, servo motors, and stepper motors along with motor driver modules (e.g., L298N motor driver) for precise motion control.

Inside the Box

S.No Item Description Quantity
1 Basic LED Blinking (Onboard LED) 1
2 LED Blinking 1
3 PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) 1
4 Traffic Light 1
5 LED Chasing Effect 1
6 Button Controlled LED 1
7 Active Buzzer 1
8 Passive Buzzer 1
9 LDR or Photoresistor 1
10 Detect Flame using Flame Sensor 1
11 Basic LM35 Temperature Sensor 1
12 Tilt Switch 1
13 Control Multiple LEDs using IR Remote 1
14 Analogue Value Reading 1
15 Control LEDs using SN74HC595 IC 1
16 1 Digit 7 Segment (Common Cathode Display) 1
17 1 Digit 7 Segment (Common Anode Display) 1
18 4 Digit 7 Segment Display 1
19 8×8 LED Matrix Display 1
20 SG90 Servo Motor 1
21 Control the Rotation of the Servo Motor using IR Remote 1
22 Turn LED ON/OFF using LDR 1
23 Control Brightness of LED using IR Remote 1
24 Control Rotation of Servo Motor using LDR 1
25 Memory Game using LED, Buzzer & Push Button 1
26 Speed of Pattern of LED using 10K Potentiometer 1
27 1602 LCD Display 1
28 Access a 4-digit Passcode using Joystick Module 1
29 DS1302 Real-Time Clock Module 1
30 Display Date and Time on LCD using RTC1302 Module 1
31 RFID Door Control System 1
32 Joystick Controlled LED Cube 1
33 Display Temperature on LCD using LM35 1
34 4×4 Keypad Matrix Module 1
35 Display Humidity & Temperature Values on LCD with DHT11 1
36 Measure Water Level with a Water Level Detection Sensor 1
37 Make a Clap Controlled LED using a Sound Sensor 1
38 Make an Alarm System using the DHT11 Humidity/Temp Sensor 1
39 Smart Electronic Voting Machine 1


Microcontroller Board – The heart of the kit, usually an Arduino Mega or Uno, provides ample processing power, multiple I/O pins, and compatibility with various sensors and shields.
Motors and Motor Drivers – Includes DC motors, servo motors, and stepper motors along with motor driver modules (e.g., L298N motor driver) for precise motion control. Sensors – Comes with an array of sensors such as ultrasonic sensors for obstacle detection, IR sensors for line following, gyroscopes for stability control, and temperature and humidity sensors for environmental monitoring.
Wireless Communication Modules – Features modules like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi (ESP8266 or ESP32), and RF transmitters, allowing remote control and data exchange. Camera and Vision Modules – Some advanced kits include computer vision cameras or AI-enabled modules like OpenCV-compatible cameras, allowing object tracking and facial recognition. Chassis and Mechanical Parts – Offers metal or plastic frames, wheels, gears, and brackets for assembling a stable robot structure.

Tech Specification

Component Specification
Microcontroller Arduino Mega / Uno
Motors DC Motors, Servo Motors, Stepper Motors
Motor Drivers L298N Motor Driver
Sensors Ultrasonic, IR, Gyroscope, Temperature, Humidity
Wireless Communication Bluetooth, Wi-Fi (ESP8266 / ESP32), RF Transmitter
Camera & Vision OpenCV-Compatible Camera, AI-enabled Vision Module
Chassis & Mechanical Parts Metal / Plastic Frames, Wheels, Gears, Brackets

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